When I think of Amateur radio, it conjures up images of intelligent, thoughtful people enjoying a hobby they’ve earned the right to participate in. That said, it is extremely frustrating and disappointing when I encounter people intentionally interfering on the amateur bands.
One might think a person causing pointless interference would have better things to do, but all too often someone tunes up on frequency, or maliciously leans on their CW key for no apparent reason.
This is troubling because in weak signal environments of summer, any RF carrier can disrupt important communications and traffic nets.
When I got interested in becoming a ham, all I heard was antidotes about being courteous on the air, and most of the time people are courteous to the point of being annoying.
This is great when it happens. I often hear much doubling with people yelling, “Relay”.
Maybe the requirements for becoming a ham have become too lax. Maybe if people don’t feel they’ve earned the privilege of operating on the ham bands they are more likely to abuse it.
I think it’s up to all of us to preach to the up-and-comers to be courteous. This might seem like a hassle sometimes, but it serves a purpose, especially in emergency operations.
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12/17/16 Wood Cutting, Devil Worship interruption, Deal not Honored
Interesting dream about a kid with long reddish-brown hair.
He looked like he was around 16 years old. Strange thing about this kid
is that at times in ...
8 years ago
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