Last Friday, George , KJ2V net manager for region 5 asked me if I wanted to be a net control operator for region 5, Cycle 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I told him I’d try.
I spoke with him today on the phone. He related to me the difficulty he has finding Net control operators. Granted, we don’t get paid monetarily for this job but more folks pitching in, would make lighter work for everyone.
I have a question: Why do people check into traffic nets if they don’t want to handle traffic?
Much of what we do with traffic handling is practice for emergency situations. If folks don’t get that practice, how are they going to perform during a crisis?
Of course, traffic handling isn’t for everyone. Folks who don’t want to do that sort of thing, can be contesters, rag-chewers, round table talkers… ect. There are plenty of nets to check in on that are not ARRL traffic nets that non traffic handlers can utilize.
That said, if you want to check in on traffic nets but won’t handle traffic… we’ll still take you.
I know a guy who was overworked running nets, and the stress it caused contributed to his near death experience. If we all chip in, incidents like this can be avoided.
Add to the discussion. What do you think. Leave a comment to voice your opinion. Thanks.
Take care and 73’s….
12/17/16 Wood Cutting, Devil Worship interruption, Deal not Honored
Interesting dream about a kid with long reddish-brown hair.
He looked like he was around 16 years old. Strange thing about this kid
is that at times in ...
8 years ago
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