The TS-50s is a great rig. For a legally blind guy, it is simple to operate. Yes it does have an electronic/digital menu that can pose some difficulties for a person like me, but I have been able to figure it out without too much trouble.
It has some nice features. One such feature is split frequency.
It is all modes, 160-10 meters. It has three power settings: 10, 50, 100 watts.
The microphone has a few buttons on it that control the frequency and power level.
Next to the VFO knob are the mode buttons.
It has the RIT function as well as a scan function. The scan function works in concert with the VFO knob. It has a good noise blanker as well as an attenuator that works really, really good.
The power output meter is a set of led bars, and it see,s tp be adequately sensitive.
I don't get great audio reports. People never remark about how wonderful my audio is. They do hear me though, and that is the important thing.
All in all, Id rate the TS-50s to be a great buy.
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