what concerns you? What are you most concerned about when it comes to spirituality, religion and politics?
It's not my intention to offend anyone, but I have discovered that it is difficult to speak on different subjects without offending people. So, the motivation to be politically correct or not speak at all is very popular today.
People are actually afraid to talk about what they want to say. This is a frightening scenario in that nothing of substance can be accomplished if nothing of substance is ever said.
We end up carried on the wind currents of someone else's plans, like a leaf in a wind storm.
I recently heard a story... a parable that I want to share with you.
A man bought his mother 2 very expensive birds for Mother's day. They could sing, dance and talk. They cost $5,000 each. The day after they were delivered to his mother he called and asked her, "Mother, mother, what did you think of those birds?"
She answered, "They was good."
He said, "No, no mother, you didn't eat those birds. Thise birds cost $5000 a piece and they could sing, dance and they could talk!"
She replied, "Well they should have said something."
...And, you know? That's where we end up too, if we don't speak up for what we believe.
What we need to do in this politically correct world is forget about uninymnoty of speech and thought, and we need to concentrate on being respectful to people with whom we disagree.
This all being said, I believe it is possible to mix Amateur Radio and politics. Not only can we, but we really should use this wonderful technology and the 'net' platform to discuss the issues of the times.
Can we be respectful towards eachother while discussing abortion, or gun control for two examples?
Give it some thought.
If you have any ideas on how you think we could begin these typs of dialog, post it in the comment.